In the harshest environment for humans, we encounter a combination of microgravity, radiation, lack of sunlight, and isolation. That triggers physiological changes that affect metabolism and psychological changes that affect appetite. With the interest towards longer-term missions and colonization rising, astronauts will need to have nutritious food available and the motivation to consume enough of it to stay healthy.
Nutrition science is key for:
Metabolic measurements
Estimation of nutritional requirements, including macro- and micro-nutrients
Food safety evaluation and education
Investigation of appetite-affecting parameters
Development of Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS)

When on an expedition in an extreme environment, regular food service facilities will be unavailable and the conditions will be demanding. These elements, alongside with the time and space constraints, direct the characteristics of the food items provided.
Nutrition science is key for:
Metabolic measurements
Estimation of nutritional requirements, including macro- and micro-nutrients
Food safety evaluation and education
Investigation of appetite-affecting parameters
Development of life support systems

In the time of a crisis, the efficacy of the assistance provided is not measured simply by the quantity of food, but also by the quality. Factors such as facilities and tools available need to be taken into account, as well as the nutritional needs, the dietary preferences, and the culture of the affected population and the volunteers.
Nutrition Science is key for:
Nutritional assessments
Food safety evaluation and education
Adaptation to dietary preferences and cultural considerations
Solutions for sourcing, preparing, storing, and distributing food

When it comes to novel foods, the landscape of food production and consumption is constantly evolving. Novel foods refer to those that have not been widely consumed before, or foods produced using innovative processes or ingredients. As the world embraces new culinary experiences and innovative food technologies, it is essential to address the unique considerations and challenges that arise.
Nutrition Science is key for:
Nutritional evaluation
Safety and regulatory compliance
Consumer education and acceptance
Culinary applications