For food that is safe, and fits our needs.
The exploration of far-away planets, a mission in a remote place, the support of those in need; exciting and noble endeavours can be halted by a necessity so dire and vital that, almost like gravity, seems too great to overcome:
Access to food sources.
And yet, people achieve extraordinary things every day, by developing extraordinary solutions. Zero-G Nutrition brings the nutrition scientist's perspective to the interdisciplinary approaches for overcoming food-related challenges.
No matter where we go, food that is safe and fits our needs will come with us. And we will keep defying gravity.
Everyone deserves access to nutritious, tasty food. However, there are populations in extreme conditions, for whom those standards are rarely met. I'm Christina-Ariadni, applying nutrition science in innovative projects that will solve exactly that problem. The potential of novel foods to guarantee food security and sustainability of our food systems is massive. I have studied human metabolism and the psychological factors that impact food intake, as well as the toxicological aspects and regulations for human food grade products. Having worked with ESA astronauts at extreme environmental restrictions, I bring a unique perspective to the table.
Currently, I am working as a Space Nutrition Project Manager at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), where I explore how we can sustain human health in space and translate those insights to benefit life on Earth.

astronaut nutrition nutrition in extreme conditions emergency relief food